Town Meeting preview: Unity
Published: 03-03-2024 10:22 AM |
Article of note:One town article asks whether voters support a $586,000 project to remove and replace a culvert on Lear Hill Road, with funding for the project to come from the Unassigned Fund Balance and to be reimbursed by FEMA at 90%, or $528,000. Separate articles would establish a new cemetery on Mica Mine Road, and create a new trust fund to support it and seed it with $50,000, and spend $100,000 to pave Mica Mine Road.
Contested races: Kelly Simpson and Ramona Labrie are vying for a three-year stint as town clerk.
Budgets and spending articles: The proposed school budget is $3.8 million, which is up about $100,000 from last year and includes the $91,000 cost of the first year of a new three-year bargaining agreement with the Unity Education Association. In separate school articles, voters also will be asked for $25,000 for the Special Education Expendable Trust Fund and $30,000 for the Transportation Expendable Trust Fund. The proposed town operating budget is $1.8 million, which is up from last year’s of $1.6 million. In separate articles, voters will be asked for $100,000 for the Roads and Bridges Capital Reserve Fund, $77,000 for the Bridges and Culverts Capital Reserve Fund, $52,000 for the Capital Reserve Fund for Highway Vehicles, $50,000 for the Fire Department Emergency Vehicle Capital Reserve Fund, and $50,000 for the Fire Department Building Capital Reserve Fund.
When, where and how to vote: Ballot voting is Tuesday, March 12 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Unity Town Hall, 892 2nd NH Turnpike. The annual school meeting is Saturday, March 16 at 10 a.m. at the Unity Elementary School gym. Town Meeting begins at noon.