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Keyword search: superintendent

Hartford to pay DeBalsi through June 2025
07-15-2024 7:01 PM


HARTFORD — Former Hartford Superintendent Tom DeBalsi will receive his full salary through June 30, 2025, despite departing a year before the end of his contract, the School Board announced last week.Over 12 months, DeBalsi will receive $210,214.65 in...

Displaying articles 1 to 6 out of 6 total.

Lyme School District accepting applications for a new part-time superintendent
12-26-2024 5:20 PM

LYME — The school district announced last week that it is accepting applications for a new part-time superintendent for the 2025-2026 school year. The district includes the Lyme School, which serves roughly 200 students in grades K-8, and about 100...

Hartford School Board proceeds with superintendent search
11-14-2024 7:30 PM


HARTFORD — The School Board voted Wednesday to proceed with a search for a new superintendent with the goal of inking a contract by late March. The vote was 4-0 in favor of going forward. Board member Nancy Russell was absent.The search is being...

Hartford superintendent resigns one year early
07-04-2024 3:01 PM


HARTFORD — Hartford Superintendent Tom DeBalsi resigned from his position last week, a year before his contract was to end on June 30, 2025, the School District announced in a Wednesday news release. Caty Sutton, previously Hartford’s director of...

Hartford School Board delays search for new superintendent
02-23-2024 5:04 PM

HARTFORD — The Hartford School Board voted on Monday to suspend its search for a new superintendent until next year. The decision comes amid budget woes and pushback against the decision to a replacement a full year early, incurring the cost of two...

Hartford presses forward with superintendent search
02-08-2024 9:01 PM


HARTFORD — The search for a new superintendent is underway despite lingering questions about the School Board’s decision to conduct the search a full year before the current superintendent’s contract ends, incurring the expense of an additional...

Lyme teachers lack confidence in district leadership
05-29-2023 5:40 PM


LYME — The union representing Lyme School teachers has voted no confidence in the School Board and newly hired superintendent.Beyond its initial statement, contending that the board hired the superintendent outside the planned hiring process and has...

Displaying articles 1 to 6 out of 6 total.

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