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New Hampshire expects next year's food waste ban to increase diversion to facility market
07-17-2024 3:32 PM


If you generate one ton or more of food waste per week in New Hampshire, starting in February you will no longer be allowed to dump it in landfills or incinerators. This change isn’t likely to affect households, but it will have a significant impact...

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New Hampshire takes a closer look at what is being thrown away
08-28-2024 1:01 PM


Over the past few weeks, waste disposal sites across the state have become the scene of a meticulous investigation. Trash bags are being torn open, their contents spread out on tables and examined with a fine-tooth comb.This scrutiny is part of the...

Records reveal industry feedback shaped New Hampshire's Solid Waste rules
07-09-2024 3:31 PM


New Hampshire’s proposed solid waste rules face a critical checkpoint before reaching legislative offices – a review by the Waste Management Council, an advisory body to the state agency primarily composed of members from the waste industry.After many...

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