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White River Junction wool mill spins yarns on a small scale
03-13-2021 10:47 PM


After a silence of 64 years, the clack-clack-clack and rum-rum-rum of wool mill machinery is being heard again in Hartford.At 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, the picker, carder, pin drafter and spinner were switched on for the first time at Junction Fiber Mill, a...

Displaying articles 1 to 4 out of 4 total.

Kenyon: It’s not working out
05-30-2023 9:46 AM


Before turning in for the night, Dave Gifford wedges wax plugs into both ears and cranks up the white noise machine next to the bed in his studio apartment near downtown Lebanon.“And I still get woken up at 5 in the morning,” Gifford said. “The floor...

Apartment buildings proposed in downtown Lebanon near Colburn Park
12-29-2021 2:57 PM


LEBANON — Upper Valley landlord Mike Davidson has unveiled an ambitious, mixed-use project that would create almost 150 new apartment units at the site of the former Village Market and redraw the skyline at the gateway to Colburn Park in downtown...

Bottom Line: Upper Valley barber opens new shop in Hanover, specializing in black hair
10-17-2019 2:25 PM


Two days after Sean Taylor opened his new barbershop in Hanover, customer appointments for haircuts already were double-booked, thanks to a glitch in the online software program.Taylor has been a barber in the Upper Valley for only four years. But in...

A Man of Many Houses: Developer Mike Davidson Has Created a Real Estate Empire
05-23-2018 3:58 PM

By John Lippman

Lebanon — Mike Davidson’s career in real estate and development has had its ups and downs and twists and turns, but 2014 was the year that launched him in an entirely different direction.After spending many years focusing mostly on multi-unit...

Displaying articles 1 to 4 out of 4 total.

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