Town Meeting preview: Voters to decide two contested Weathersfield Selectboard races

Published: 02-25-2024 10:53 AM

Modified: 02-27-2024 3:59 PM

Article of note: One article asks whether voters authorize the Selectboard to borrow $150,000 to replace a 2009 backhoe. Another asks whether voters approve an operating budget of $378,000, to come from non-tax revenue, for the Solid Waste Management Facility.

Contested races: Rika Henderson and August Murray are facing off for two years remaining on a three-year term on the Selectboard. Nathan McNaughton and Wendy Smith are vying for a two-year term on the board. Steven Hier is unopposed for a three-year Selectboard term. School elections have been postponed.

Budgets and spending articles: The proposed municipal general fund budget is $1.75 million, with $1.37 million to come from taxes. Voters approved a general fund of $1.6 million last year. The proposed highway fund budget is $1.19 million, with $988,000 to come from taxes. The highway fund was $1.17 million last year. 

When, where and how to vote: The School Board will hold a regular meeting to discuss budget cuts on Saturday, March 2 at 10 a.m. at the Weathersfield School, 135 Schoolhouse Road in Ascutney. Town Meeting will be held in the same place, or virtually, at 12:30 p.m. that day. Ballot voting will take place on Tuesday, March 5, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Martin Memorial Hall, 5259 US Route 5, Ascutney.

UPDATE: This story has been updated to reflect that the Weathersfield School Board canceled its school meeting, which was originally scheduled for Saturday, March 2, and school ballot voting, which had originally been scheduled for Tuesday, March 5. New dates have not yet been scheduled. 

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