Sullivan County delegation rejects request to appoint county attorney

Published: 06-26-2024 5:18 PM

NEWPORT — The Sullivan County delegation agreed on Tuesday not to take action on a recommendation from outgoing Sullivan County Attorney Marc Hathaway to appoint Deputy County Attorney Christine Hilliard to the position after Hathaway leaves on July 1.

Hathaway cited state law that gives a majority of the representatives the authority to appoint someone to the position, which is elected every two years. He told the delegation that the title of county attorney “carries weight” when dealing with the courts, public defenders office, defense attorneys and others, and it is important to have someone in the office with full authority.

Hilliard was the only candidate to file with the Secretary of State’s office for county attorney by the June 14 deadline. However, there is still a possibility she could face a challenge in the state’s primary on Sept. 10.

The delegates, none of whom argued against Hilliard’s qualifications, were reluctant to appear as though they were endorsing her when there could be other candidates.

Delegation Chairman Steve Smith, R-Charlestown, said appointing Hilliard would appear too much like a “coronation” and if there is a contest for the position it will look like the delegates “had their thumb on the scale.”

The delegation agreed that after the primary, if there were no other candidates, the group could meet and vote on whether to appoint Hilliard. Whomever is elected in November will become county attorney on Jan. 1.