Annual meeting preview: Rivendell’s $14.7M budget before voters
Published: 03-04-2023 5:46 PM |
Contested races: Two candidates are running for a three-year term representing Orford on the School Board: David W. Ricker and Charles Smith Jr.
Budgets and spending articles: The proposed budget is $14.7 million, up from the $13.3 million budget voters approved last year. Other money items to be voted on separately include: $50,000 for the Repairs and Maintenance Contingency Reserve; $50,000 for repairing a section of the Academy roof; $60,000 for required Americans with Disabilities Act upgrades at the Academy; $40,000 for security upgrades at the schools; and $44,000 for upgrades to theater lighting equipment at the Academy.
When, where and how to vote: The Rivendell Interstate School District is scheduled to hold its annual meeting on Tuesday, March 21 at Rivendell Academy in Orford. Polls open for the election of officers at 6 p.m. The in-person meeting begins at 6:30 p.m.