
Displaying articles 81 to 100 out of 626 total.

Column: There must be room for debate on Palestine

03-12-2024 5:21 PM


The First Amendment is first for a reason. Free speech is essential to a free democratic society, allowing us to express a diversity of opinions to each other and to our government leadership so that we have the best-informed policies.Yet, the Israel...

Forum for March 11, 2024: Worthless bill in NH

03-11-2024 11:26 AM

NH House takes up worthless billRep. Karen Reid’s bill to impose restrictions on sex education and discussions of human sexuality in New Hampshire public schools is a useless piece of legislation, founded in fear. Among its most ridiculous measures is...

Editorial: How Vermont can simplify its school funding system

03-08-2024 9:21 PM

Last week in this space, we revisited the origins of Vermont’s school funding system in the context of panic-inducing predictions of sky-high school budgets and tax rates for next year. How that will play out is not yet clear, but the uncertainty has...

Column: What’s next for Carter Country Club?

03-08-2024 4:50 PM


There are many scores of Upper Valley golfers, especially senior golfers like myself, wallowing in a sea of confusion over the recent turn of events surrounding our beloved Carter Country Club. In an email to Carter Community Building Association...

A Solitary Walker: Restoring the health of our once-wild rivers

03-08-2024 4:48 PM


The people in the Ompompanoosuc valley used to love their river — good fresh water for gardens and drinking, and a beautiful thing to look upon, but then she changed. She became faster and stronger and destroyed the things people built, who then...

Forum for March 9, 2024: Games at The Aud mean more

03-08-2024 4:46 PM

High school hoops mean more at The AudLast Saturday night, I was folding laundry at my home in Burlington, N.C., with WDEV’s feed in my headphones. I proudly listened in as my alma mater, Thetford Academy, won its sixth state boys basketball title in...

Column: Shaheen should restore cuts to antitrust enforcement

03-07-2024 10:10 PM


Our New Hampshire Senator, Jeanne Shaheen, chairs the appropriations subcommittee responsible for Justice Department funding. This week, that committee released a new bill that would slash $45 million from the Antitrust Division budget. The bill,...

Column: How we can prepare to make good decisions

03-07-2024 10:01 PM


In our daily lives we see some of the most talented people, experts in their fields, in academics, sports, entertainment and business, choke under pressure when the moment for performance comes for which they have prepared for days and days. Why do...

Forum for March 8, 2024: Orford spending

03-07-2024 9:50 PM

Common sense spending for OrfordIf the taxpayers of Orford were concerned with your property tax bill last year you may want to consider changing the direction and make up of the Selectboard on Town Meeting Day which is this coming March 12.There are...

Column: Emergency rooms move fast despite obstacles

03-07-2024 11:27 AM


When it comes to health care, nobody likes to wait. By definition, emergencies are serious, often dangerous situations requiring immediate action. For those of us caring for patients on the front lines of emergency departments, the escalating patient...

A Yankee Notebook: Boston and what life there would look like

03-07-2024 11:27 AM


Owing to the recent development of a relationship with a much younger lady (of only 76), I’ve been traveling every so often to Nahant, Mass., a few miles north of Boston, for visits. Being a bit of a country rube, I’ve been quite aware of the...

Forum for March 7, 2024: Cornish School Board

03-07-2024 11:25 AM

Support Cornish School Board incumbentsI am writing in support of Justin Ranney and Jason Tetu who are candidates this year for the Cornish School Board. I have worked closely with both of them and have immense respect for their perspectives and deep...

Forum for March 6, 2024: Vermont moose hunt

03-07-2024 11:24 AM

Vermont moose hunt seems ill-consideredIt was heartening to read Brenna Galdenzi’s statement challenging the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department’s proposal to kill more moose to control ticks in the Northeast Kingdom (“Another moose hunt proposed,”...

Forum for March 5, 2024: Hartford Selectboard candidate

03-05-2024 1:01 PM

Why I’m running for Hartford Selectboard I’m a current house-builder and former journalist. I’ve always found ways to contribute to the place I live, whether volunteering to teach cooking to elementary students, or investigating to present officials...

Forum for March 4, 2024: Support for Hanover school budget

03-04-2024 11:31 AM

Hanover Finance backs schoolOn Tuesday, March 5, Hanover voters will decide whether to approve a Hanover School District collective bargaining agreement and the FY25 proposed budget.The Hanover Finance Committee (HFC) unanimously supports the...

Editorial: The history behind Vermont’s education funding mess

03-01-2024 9:31 PM

This year’s school budgeting chaos in Vermont has been justly attributed to well-intentioned legislative bungling. But revisiting the creation story of the state’s school funding system may provide useful context.In the beginning was Brigham. In 1997,...

By the Way: Music drew me to the Episcopal Church

03-01-2024 5:43 PM


Sometimes I’m asked how someone who grew up evangelical—a fundamentalist, really—became an Episcopalian and eventually an Episcopal priest. I typically reply with a semi-flippant answer: It was a reaction to the aesthetic deprivation of my...

Forum for March 2, 2024: Carter Country Club

03-01-2024 5:40 PM

Is this the end for Carter Country Club? Didn’t we think, when the New Hampshire Supreme Court ruled a few years ago, that the matter of the Carter Country Club was settled, that Edmond “Peanie” Goodwin’s intent was clear, that the property would...

Forum for March 1, 2024: Hartland conservation

03-01-2024 5:38 PM

Land conservation plan is good for Hartland Tim Rockwood’s recent letter about the Pohl project in Hartland (“Hartland preservation plan is short-sighted, Forum, Feb. 27) raises some questions about land conservation and the future of Hartland. It...

Forum for Feb. 29, 2024: Rocket’s campaign

03-01-2024 5:37 PM

Rocket seeks second termMy first term on the Hartford Selectboard has been marked both by challenges and growth. To start, I acknowledge and apologize for having been part of much controversy. I have grown much in the way of communicating graciously....

Displaying articles 81 to 100 out of 626 total.
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