Town Meeting preview: Article opposing proposed juvenile detention facility on Newbury's ballot

Published: 02-28-2023 12:32 PM

Article of note: A petitioned article asks voters to direct the Selectboard to voice the town’s opposition to the state’s plan to site a juvenile detention facility at 487 Stevens Place in Newbury.

Contested races: There are no contested races.

Budgets and spending articles: Voters will be asked to support a general fund budget of $640,350, which is level with the budget approved last year, as well as a highway budget of $829,000, which is up from $780,000 last year. In addition, an article asks voters to transfer $100,000 from the town’s account to a highway equipment reserve fund for the purchase of a tractor and roadside mower attachment. 

When, where and how to vote: Newbury is scheduled to hold its Town Meeting voting by Australian ballot on Tuesday, March 7 from 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. at the Newbury Village Hall, 214 Pulaski Street.


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