Town Meeting preview: Croydon voters to decide whether to support public meeting broadcasts
Published: 03-04-2023 5:59 PM |
Article of note: A petitioned article on the town warrant, which is not recommended by the Selectboard, asks whether voters will support recording and live broadcasting all public meetings in town at a cost of up to $10,000.
Contested races: There are three candidates running for a 1-year term on the Selectboard: Ryan Ball, Ryan Shackett and Edward Spiker. There are two candidates for a three-year term on the School Board: Jody Underwood and Angi Beaulieu.
Budgets and spending articles: The proposed town budget is $549,000, which is below the $590,000 proposed last year. A separate article asks whether voters will support a $433,000 bond for the repaving of Cash Street, and an appropriation for $54,000 for the first year’s payment. Other articles ask for $80,000 to contract for part-time police services and $90,000 to repair a bridge on Bright Road. The proposed school budget is $1.7 million, which is the same that voters eventually approved last year.
When, where and how to vote: Croydon Town Meeting ballot voting for officers is scheduled for Tuesday, March 14 from 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. at Town Hall, 879 NH Route 10. The in-person meeting is scheduled to take place on Saturday, March 18 at 9 a.m. at Town Hall. The School District meeting is scheduled for March 18 at 1 p.m. at the Croydon Fire Department, 828 NH Route 10.