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Keyword search: Windsor County Republicans

Kenyon: Recent developments
03-22-2024 9:01 PM


In talking with people while following up on a couple of recent columns, new developments emerged. Some were more surprising than others. With apologies to “Saturday Night Live,” here’s my Weekend Update: Waiting pays offJennifer Kahn’s wage dispute...

Displaying articles 1 to 3 out of 3 total.

Kenyon: Scott endorses one of three Republicans running for Windsor County Senate seats
10-11-2024 7:00 PM


At a recent League of Women Voters forum for the six candidates running for the three Windsor County seats in the Vermont Senate, Jonathan Gleason was quick to tout his endorsement by Gov. Phil Scott. Gleason bills himself as a moderate Republican,...

Jim Kenyon: Party crashers make waves in Windsor County
01-09-2024 8:48 PM


As revolts go, the one staged by a small band of Windsor County Republicans against Chairman John MacGovern last Saturday was tame and orderly.That’s not to say the GOP renegades, however, still don’t pose a threat to democratic norms.The 50 or so...

Jim Kenyon: Trump’s toxic influence on display in Windsor County
12-17-2023 12:46 AM


To paraphrase Rodney Dangerfield, I went to a fight the other morning, and a meeting of the Windsor County Republican Executive Committee broke out.How bad (or amusing, if you’re a Democrat) was it?The dozen Republicans in the room didn’t make it...

Displaying articles 1 to 3 out of 3 total.

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