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VA Cutoff Road bridge to close for two weeks
10-01-2024 8:01 PM


HARTFORD — Beginning Monday, Oct. 14, the VA Cutoff Road bridge over the White River will close for two weeks while crews connect two sections of the span. Traffic will be detoured to the Route 4/Route 5 bridge during the closure.The newly constructed...

Displaying articles 1 to 15 out of 15 total.

Lebanon police beef up traffic patrols over concerns about aggressive driving
08-14-2024 2:12 PM

LEBANON — Upper Valley drivers are under increased scrutiny as police intensify traffic patrols to crack down on dangerous driving.The Lebanon Police Department announced in a Tuesday afternoon news release that high-profile patrols will target the...

Windsor bridge inspection reroutes southbound traffic on Route 5
08-12-2024 2:56 PM

WINDSOR — Traffic on the Route 5 bridge that carries traffic over Mill Brook will be reduced to one lane this week between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., to allow for bridge inspections, according to a VTrans traffic advisory.Southbound vehicles will be...

Route 5 paving underway in Hartford
05-31-2024 4:19 PM

WHITE RIVER JUNCTION — Traffic will be impacted next week on Route 5 in Hartford, where work has commenced to resurface about four total miles of roadway and to replace the traffic signals at the intersection of North Main Street and Hartford...

Nighttime paving scheduled for ramps at Exit 19 on I-89
05-30-2024 3:24 PM

LEBANON — Nighttime paving work will cause temporary closures of the ramps at Exit 19 on Interstate 89 during evenings through Monday.The state Department of Transportation has already started nighttime milling and repaving of northbound and...

Roundabout construction near DHMC to create travel delays
05-30-2024 3:07 PM

LEBANON — Construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Mt. Support Road and Lahaye Drive is expected to cause traffic backups around Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, starting next month and continuing through the end of the year.Beginning...

Exit 19 ramp to be closed for Route 4 paving in Lebanon
05-06-2024 4:36 PM

LEBANON — The ramps on and off I-89 northbound at Exit 19 will be closed all day on Monday, May 13 to allow for paving on Route 4, the New Hampshire Department of Transportation said in a press release.The interchanges between I-89 North and westbound...

West Lebanon traffic delays expected due to Route 12A bridge construction
04-08-2024 4:10 PM

WEST LEBANON — Construction this week on the Dry Bridge on Route 12A, also known as South Main Street, is expected to cause “significant” traffic delays, according to an alert from the city. Beginning Tuesday and running through Friday, construction...

I-89 crash causes backup on Route 12A in West Lebanon
01-23-2024 5:02 PM

HARTFORD — A two-vehicle crash just over the Vermont border after Exit 20 on I-89 North Monday evening caused traffic backups on Route 12A in West Lebanon.At approximately 4:30 p.m., a sedan changing lanes crashed into a tractor-trailer.There were no...

Rock slide along Interstate 91 damages cars in Hartford
11-24-2023 2:24 PM

HARTFORD — A rock slide on Interstate 91 on Thursday night resulted in damage to several vehicles but no injuries, according to the Hartford Fire Department.State and local emergency crews, including the Hartford Fire Department, Vermont State Police...

Plan for Lebanon roundabout near final stage, despite push for alternative
10-13-2023 9:09 AM


LEBANON — After years of planning, a roundabout project intended to improve traffic and safety at an awkward city intersection is in its final stage of design. But some residents, concerned about the project cost and the impact on pedestrians and...

Hanover Selectboard reduces speed limit on Lyme Road
09-19-2023 8:29 PM


HANOVER — The speed limit on Lyme Road is down to 25 mph from 30 mph and the school zone to 15 mph from 20 mph, in an effort to address traffic safety concerns.The new speed limit, which will apply to a three-quarter of a mile portion of Lyme Road...

NHDOT: Exit 20 on southbound I-89 in West Lebanon to close for four days later this month
09-07-2023 8:51 PM

LEBANON — A temporary closure of the Exit 20 off-ramp on I-89 southbound has been rescheduled to start on Sunday, Sept. 17, due to anticipated weather conditions this weekend, according to the New Hampshire Department of Transportation, or...

Lebanon crosswalks get a splash of color
07-07-2023 6:58 PM


LEBANON — City crosswalks are getting a colorful makeover in downtown areas in an initiative to improve pedestrian safety and to touch up the aesthetics.Public Works employees are painting a new crosswalk design on the streets surrounding Colburn Park...

Repairs ongoing to Stevens Road in Hanover and Lebanon
06-30-2023 3:19 PM

LEBANON — Municipal employees in Lebanon and Hanover are assessing the damage on Stevens Road after flash flooding earlier in the week washed away road materials, causing surfaces to collapse. The road, which connects Hanover to Lebanon, is currently...

Norwich culvert work requires New Boston Road detour
05-12-2023 3:08 PM

NORWICH — A portion of New Boston Road will be closed to through traffic from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. next Monday through Friday, according to town officials. The Public Works Department will be replacing a number of culverts near the intersection with Turnpike...

Displaying articles 1 to 15 out of 15 total.

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