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Displaying articles 21 to 25 out of 25 total.

Out & About: Valley Street Dam evokes another era of summer fun, virus shutdowns
06-06-2020 10:19 PM


From 1938 to the early 1950s, the Valley Street Dam was the place in be in Springfield, Vt., in the summer.Constructed specifically to create a swimming hole, the dam was where families went to be together and where teenagers would hang out, where a...

Upper Valley slaughterhouses rise to meat demand during pandemic
05-23-2020 9:06 PM


Kacey Knight says she typically hears two kinds of reactions from people when they learn she’s a supervisor on the “kill floor” at Vermont Packinghouse slaughterhouse in North Springfield, Vt.“It’s either ‘Oh, really?’ or ‘I don’t want hear about...

Man reaches plea deal, sentenced 11 years after fatal shooting in Chester, Vt.
01-09-2020 9:46 PM


WHITE RIVER JUNCTION — It’s been almost 11½ years since Kyle Bolaski fired the shot that left Vincent Tamburello bleeding to death on a Chester, Vt., softball field in 2008. More than a decade of court appearances, some time in an out-of-state prison,...

Vermont man gets 13- to 15-years in fatal Springfield shooting
05-23-2019 8:20 AM


WHITE RIVER JUNCTION — A Windsor Superior Court judge on Wednesday sentenced Gregory Smith to 13 to 15 years in prison for the fatal shooting four years ago of a Springfield, Vt., father who was upset about suspected drug dealing in the...

Vt. Sex Assault Suspect Deemed Unfit for Trial
11-01-2018 4:04 PM

By Jordan Cuddemi

White River Junction — Prosecutors have dismissed a sexual assault case against a former mental health and substance abuse counselor who had two offices in the Upper Valley, saying he is unfit to stand trial because he is cognitively impaired.A...

Displaying articles 21 to 25 out of 25 total.

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